
So wird IhrCO2-Free Energy zur Einnahmequelle und Energielösung.

Wie Sie Ihre ungenutzte Dachfläche in eine rentable und nachhaltige Energiequelle verwandeln – ganz ohne Eigeninvestition.

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Hoppla! Etwas ist schief gelaufen

20 Jahre Pachteinnahmen im Voraus sichern

Bis zu 70% Einsparungen bei den Stromkosten erzielen

Kein finanzielles Risiko und maximale Planungssicherheit

With a keen sense for future trends, we develop innovative solutions that benefit all stakeholders.

Sebastian Schmidt & Wolfgang Röbig
Founders & CEOs

We are known from

How Does the GIGA.GREEN Concept Work?

Do you have questions about the process and would like a non-binding consultation? Feel free to contact us or directly book a free online consultation appointment.

Your Contact:

Oliver Misczyk

Senior Account Executive
+49 (0) 30 220 270 20
Book a Free Consultation

1. Personal Consultation

Your personal solar energy expert will introduce you to the GIGA.GREEN concept and gather your requirements.

2. Site Assessment & Analysis

Our project team will assess the site conditions and present the results of the feasibility analysis.

3. Cooperation Agreement

We will sign an agreement with you for roof leasing and electricity supply.

4. Planning & Scheduling

Your project team will plan the construction and present the project milestones.

5. Installation & Commissioning

The construction of the solar system begins, followed by its commissioning and connection to the grid.

6. Electricity Supply & Maintenance

We start supplying electricity and take care of the monitoring and maintenance of the system throughout the contract duration.